Re: [WABlist] Re: Did Gil destroyed WAB tournaments?

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Warhammer is alive and well in Rochester NY. We have a local game store which promotes the game and carries miniatures by both Old Glory and Warlord games. They have even ordered rule books for us at cost. Most Thursdays we have a group of 4-6 players and this number is growing not shrinking. WAB2 is a fine game system and if you do not agree than continue playing something else. I am very sorry that I can not make Cold Wars as it is one of my favorite tournaments but I am presently running for Mayor of Rochester and the Election is March 29. As such many of our players are not going but we are already planning on attending Historicon and hope to have 4-6 players there and I look forward to it being WAB2. I hope all players give it a chance and keeping gaming.

Alex White
----- Original Message -----
From: "nikephros" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 10:02:13 PM
Subject: [WABlist] Re: Did Gil destroyed WAB tournaments?

Oh, Christ.

Really, guys? This again? Play the game or go. There's no shame in you going, I hope you DO go - I mean those of you who are done playing WAB or WAB-related games, why are you even HERE picking away at your old scabs? What do you actually hope to accomplish?

WAB is strong in the UK, growing in fact. It's never been stronger at our club, where all the older fantasy players have graduated to it finally with the advent of WAB 2, which they think is a great game. Look at Adepticon, where they've basically filled their slots. I ran a WAB2 tournament in January here in NYC, and had a full house with players from PA, NY, NJ, CT and the UK coming in for it, and the only thing that kept some from attending was the weather. Understood, some of you don't like WAB, and also - understand - WE KNOW.

This incessant navel gazing, those of you who do it, is not constructive. If you mean to change things to make them more to your liking, then great - talk about it. If you want to find other players who are in your area, great. If you have rules questions, we're all here to answer them.

But, if you want to bitch and moan and tear down the enthusiasm of those who want to play, please, find another group of poor overworked bastards to torture. The Miniatures Page is a great place for you to go. Give the rest of us a break. What have we done to deserve you? We're not GW, OK?

See you guys at Cold Wars who are coming - among whom, I might add, is Gil, because whether he likes WAB2 or not, he wants to play with toy soldiers using rules he likes (WECW). I advise the rest of you to go and do likewise, or please, just shut the hell up.


(By the way, I won't be looking at these boards again between now and next week because I'm going to be too busy schlepping scenery and printing scenarios for the guys who actually want to play, so please don't bother responding)

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