[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] Harry Potter RPG ~ The Founders Years

Thursday, March 10, 2011


We all know the story of the Four Founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry. We know how they began the school together, each with their own
ideals, how Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff were the best of friends,
perhaps only surpassed by the friendship of that of Godric Gryffindor and
Salazar Slytherin. We've all heard of how Slytherin left the school because
the other founders opted to teach those who were not pure of blood. The story
is famous! But, is that all there is to it?

Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to attend Hogwarts back
when it was first started, before Salazar left the school? Did you ever wonder
what the founders were really like and not just the icons we see them portrayed
as today?

Come back in time with us to the year 990 A.D.* Come and be some of the first
students to ever enter Hogwarts great halls.


*I just want to make a note that while this RPG does take place in 990 A.D.,
we are not trying to be historically accurate. We're going for a
Renaissance/Fantasy world feel. Trying to be historically accurate in this
time period is far too difficult for any of us to go in and just have fun with

This game is rated PG-13 to R. Anything with graphic violence or Graphic sex
is marked with a warning in the subject line. If you are uncomfortable with
such scenes, no worries. Just tell the person/people you are playing with and
you can do a fade-in-fade-out. You can play as many characters as you feel you
can handle and we ask you post at the very least once a week, though we prefer
more often than that.

Please read all emails sent to you when joining.

~*~Available Characters~*~

Kellagn "Kel" Weasley ~ Husband of Gwen Weasley and Brother-in-law of Godric
Cuthraed Gryffindor ~ Father of Godric Gryffindor
Aelis Gryffindor ~ Mother of Godric Gryffindor

Lord Gowan Rose ~ Father of Rowena Ravenclaw
Lady Vanora Rose ~ Mother ofRowena Ravenclaw
Lord Duncan Rose ~ Older Brother ofRowena Ravenclaw
Lady Kyla Rose ~ Wife of Duncan Rose, Sister-in-law of Rowena Ravenclaw
Davis Rose ~ Son of Duncan Rose, Nephew of Rowena Ravenclaw
Connell Rose ~ Son of Duncan Rose, Nephew of Rowena Ravenclaw
Lorna Rose ~ Daughter of Duncan Rose, Niece of Rowena Ravenclaw
Mairead Rose ~ Daughter of Duncan Rose, Niece of Rowena Ravenclaw

Selwyn Slytherin ~ Age 9 ~ Daughter of Severn and Aelfwyn Slytherin, Nephew of
Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin
Scorpio Slytherin ~ Age 5 ~ Son of Severn and Aelfwyn Slytherin, Nephew of
Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin
Ethnee Slytherin ~ Age 2 ~ Daughter of Severn and Aelfwyn Slytherin, Neice
of Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin

Eadlin Goldweave, Duchess of Somerset ~ Younger sister of Salazar Slytherin
Geoffrey Goldweave, Duke of Somerset ~ Husband of Eadlin Goldweave and
brother-in-law of Salazar Slytherin

Cai Shepherd ~ Age 17 ~ Older Brother of Sandria "Dria" Sheperd ~ Very important
for Dria's plot line if we could find a player.

Original Characters Welcome as well of course.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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