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Sunday, October 31, 2010
[OpenFX] Pivots
Hi Traders,
Just a quick note to let you know that I've been emailing the pivots for the past two weeks, as (for some unknown reason) Yahoo has been scrambling the PDFs I normally upload to the Files section.
I Hope they're coming through. Let me know.
[OpenFX] Pivots: 11-01-10 Monthly, Weekly Daily [3 Attachments]
Attachment(s) from clay@claymarafiote.com
3 of 3 File(s)
[WABlist] Re: 15mm with DBX (FoG) basing
Ottomans aren't a turkey list. You just don't know how to run them ;)
You turkey!!
--- In WABlist@yahoogroups.com, mbsparta@... wrote:
> I don't think there is a turkey list ... except Ottoman.
> You can play WAB with DBx basing. You are limited as to formations etc, but it can work.
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: IAN <ian.cam@...>
> To: WABlist <WABlist@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Fri, Oct 29, 2010 3:31 pm
> Subject: [WABlist] 15mm with DBX (FoG) basing
> hello,
> Does WAB work with figures based up for the various DBX systems? would one lose
> ut by not having separately mounted officers, musicians and whatnot?
> I have several armies that are complete turkeys under FoG and would like to get
> ome use out of them
> Ian
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[Nokia_Downloads_From_Harmeet_Ravjeet] Bola Tangkas Setelan Meja Darat. Deposit 500rb Bonus 5%., 10/31/2010, 7:00 pm

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[Nokia_Downloads_From_Harmeet_Ravjeet] JANGAN LUPA!!.. Pasang juga iklan anda disini…, 10/31/2010, 7:00 pm

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[Nokia_Downloads_From_Harmeet_Ravjeet] iPhone 3GS-32GB White dijual Rp.300rb. Mau???, 10/31/2010, 6:00 pm

Reminder from: | Nokia_Downloads_From_Harmeet_Ravjeet Yahoo! Group | |
Title: | iPhone 3GS-32GB White dijual Rp.300rb. Mau??? | |
Date: | Sunday October 31, 2010 | |
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Repeats: | This event repeats every day. | |
Notes: | iPhone 3GS-32GB White di Obral harga Cuma dibawah 300rb. Barang baru masih segel, dan Bergaransi. Persediaan barang terbatas. Kunjungi Website: http://www.pelelanganmurah.com | |
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