[WABlist] Re: Rules come Rules go

Tuesday, August 31, 2010



No need to appolgise at all. This forum is for back and forth discussions. I don't think that you offended anyone Ralph was just pointing out that Don was referring to the current publication of 2.0.

Your comments are always welcome.


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[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] Ages of Romance (multi-genre one-on-one adult rp)


I have an idea for a long term story I would like to write with someone... please bare with me as the description might be somewhat cumbersome as it is a bit complicated-

A woman and a man, lets call them 'Eve' and 'Adam'(though we can pick different names if you want), go back and forth through history as well as the future, destined to meet and fall in love with each other, maybe even to start a family. They start out as complete strangers, in what we would call a modern setting, They live what we would call normal lives, completely unaware of their destinies or that they have already met, and will meet again, several times over, each encounter picking up where the last one left off.

But these encounters don't occur chronologically- they are strangers in the present day, and they bump into each other then go one with their lives, but then perhaps, say 1000 years ago, they meet each other again, perhaps in a quaint little medieval village, and remember having seen each other and get to know one another a little... then several hundred years in our future they have their first real date as colonists on Mars... or something like that anyway. Those are just examples but hopefully you get the idea.

Perhaps there is a reason they are destined to be together like this, to experience so many different times and perspectives on mankind's development. Perhaps there is also some kind of force that does not wish them to be together, and from time to time they will find themselves in situations where getting together seems too hard to bear, such as one of them being in prison for a crime they don't remember commiting, or perhaps he is a prince and she is a simple lowly palace servant. Maybe even once in a while, they will find people who seem, for no discernable reason, to be trying to make their lives as difficult as possible.

I would like to write 'Eve' and I am looking for someone to write for 'Adam'. We can also share in the writing of any necessary npc's. I am looking for someone who has a decent command of English(I don't nitpick, I just want to be able to read your posts and be able to tell what is going on, heh). This will be through email only, I don't have any chat programs and don't want to get into that stuff. Please be tolerant of the possibility of sex and violence, but if you are looking for them to bang each other on the first date then you might be disappointed. I am looking for someone who likes to write in paragraphs as opposed to just sending a few lines at a time. Three posts a week would be great, more would be even better but I know some of you have lives.

Anyway, if this sounds at all intriguing to you, please email me at rubie_fox@yahoo.com


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[OpenFX] Pivot Update: 9-1-10 (Monthly and Daily)


Hi Traders!

Updated MONTHLY and DAILY pivots, based on eSignal's datafeed, are here:


Live large!


P.S. If you are unable to reach this file using the above link, please
click on the "Files" section on the left-hand side of the OpenFX
homepage, then go to "Pivot Updates".

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[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] Prince Remy and his Quest for the group and a writing partner


All Right. I have been looking around for a writing partner(s) or a group to write in and I am going to go about this a little different………….

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there was a handsome thirty year old prince, named Remy, who was looking to and fro across the land to find someone who would share similar interests as him, in writing back and forth with some ideas that he had. For some time now, he had been a hard working prince, and did not have a lot of time, however he has of ideas that he would like to share and write out on his magical device, which some wizards in the land called a laptop. Prince Remy, as he was known, was very well read, everything from classics, to fairy tales and many novels, including those things with pictures called comic books. While there were a great number of characters that caught his interest, what he would really like was to write some stories which couplings, intimate couplings between a man and a woman, and at time, have there be many men and one woman.

From his magical device, he had to ward those people away who really did not want to write, and only wanted to find pleasure in what he was writing. It did not take him long to discover that they were writing with one hand and doing something with the other. For what he wanted to do, he avoided those people. For what Prince Remy soon found was that he liked romance and even seduction to a certain degree, he liked the character development from these passionate stories. On the other hand, Prince Remy also had a lot of stories which he had never done, in real life or in fantasy that he was interested in trying out.

So interested in writing, was that he let the local villagers know that he wanted something called a "group" where he could write these "coupling" stories. Also, he was open to people coming to him late at night, so that they could personally work on stories just one on one, in this new format, which some called "Electronic Mail" or "E-Mail" for short.

For inspiration, Prince Remy would look to the most celebritized people in the land, and often write their appearance into his story, or use this new kind of art called "Anime" for inspiration. Many real life, fantasy and science fiction stories interest him, while he liked plot and character development a great deal, Remy also craved people to share ideas with, ideas which would bug him late at night, and he would wonder how to share these ideas and these lust filled thoughts which could be made into some great tales.

If you wish to discuss ideas with Prince Remy, or to hear his more forbidden and darker thoughts, please use this new thing called "E-Mail" at the address: remyxxxlebeau@yahoo.com

In fact, if you have a group or just are interested in writing romance, or any of the softer things, e-mail him there as well. He loved happy ending and a deep kiss that lasts for days on end.

The End

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[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] Desperately Desiring Adoption of a few Roles (18+)


I am hoping to find a woman who will take up specific roles, named characters in an original game and bring these characters to life.

Two in particular are Emma Goodwater and Waynoka Ame' ha'e.

We want Emma more for her passion of costume play of the 1700s, that includes having her household staff and her husband dress in 1700s costumes as well as a mansion in that style, and a galleon she can sail on the river roads and seas of the Mandinka, than the fact she is a legal genius and on this expedition to act as legal advisor.

And Waynoka who is designer of the magical side of the Mandinka. Since the ship can go into parallel universes, some of which where magic works, she was the one who designed the ship to function in such universes. She is noble, virtuous and as such has an an eagle feathered bonnet that is -very- long, trailing to the floor.

There are others, but these two are our more immediate needs.

We can start off with an original character to get use to the setting, the story and each other, with the goal of taking up one or more of the characters We've come up with.

The focus is to tell stories. It is a blend of science fiction and fantasy (magical beings exit in this setting); it also has adult (kinky) themes. As such, at times it will be a series of scenes of the character being forced to be a ponygirl (as in dressed up, not a literal transformation).

We would like someone consistent and committed who can post several times a week and stay with the story for year or so (more hopefully).


Jeff and Belle


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[Nokia_Downloads_From_Harmeet_Ravjeet] JANGAN LUPA!!.. Pasang juga iklan anda disini…, 8/31/2010, 7:00 pm

Reminder from:   Nokia_Downloads_From_Harmeet_Ravjeet Yahoo! Group
Title:   JANGAN LUPA!!.. Pasang juga iklan anda disini…
Date:   Tuesday August 31, 2010
Time:   7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Repeats:   This event repeats every day.
Notes:   Pasang Iklan Baris Massal Gratis Tanpa Daftar Dan Langsung Tayang, dijamin sukses. Dan dapat menaikkan peringkat di Search Engine. Kunjungi. http://www.myiklanbaris.com
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[Nokia_Downloads_From_Harmeet_Ravjeet] iPhone 3GS-32GB White dijual Rp.300rb. Mau???, 8/31/2010, 6:00 pm

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Title:   iPhone 3GS-32GB White dijual Rp.300rb. Mau???
Date:   Tuesday August 31, 2010
Time:   6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Repeats:   This event repeats every day.
Notes:   iPhone 3GS-32GB White di Obral harga Cuma dibawah 300rb. Barang baru masih segel, dan Bergaransi. Persediaan barang terbatas. Kunjungi Website:
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[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] USS Missouri


Have you an urge to explore? To lead a department or maybe play one of those below decks that makes a star ship purr and actually get credit for your hard work? Are you sick of being overlooked by Sim Co's?

Well if you have either of those urges, then perhaps, the USS Missouri is for you.

We are an Intrepid Class Starship set in the year 2387.

Please Note, that the USS Missouri will be taking part in the Destruction of Romulus Timeline.

My Name is Cassia Cavendish and I am the Commanding Officer of the USS Missouri. It is my pleasure to extend this invitation to interested players to come and look over our sim and read our missions.

We are looking for dedicated players who enjoy writing and extending a story line. In fact we have two very exciting missions coming up. One is named God Play and the second is Jasper Clats!

There are a few Chief Spots open as well as many different General Crew postings.


Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Chief Counselor
Chief of Operations
Chief of Science

As well as all assistant postings and a myriad of other positions!

There are some limited Civilian posts


We look forward to hearing from you! If you have any questions do not hesitate to email me at zodiacsailor@gmail.com

Cassia Cavendish
Commanding Officer
USS Missouri

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Re: [OpenFX] Latest CFTC Announcement Concerning Forex Leverage


Here is the link


On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 11:08 PM, wi_4x_trader <wi_4x_trader@yahoo.com> wrote:

Monday, August 30, 2010 8:36:27 PM
(US) CFTC announces final retail foreign exchange market rules: Backs away from controversial 10:1 leverage proposal; Lays out capital standards and reporting requirements
- To allow NFA to impose its own leverage rules with minimum security deposit of 2% (50:1) on trades involving major currencies and 5% (20:1) on the notional value of the trade for all other currencies.

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Re: [WABlist] Re: Rules come Rules go


I read my post you are very much correct...I don't check this every day but I do enjoy the posts. My post was an emotional reaction to the some of the back and forth banter discussing which rule set is better and the problems with 1.5 v 2.0...apologies to all.

--- On Wed, 8/25/10, SBSchifani <Schifani@msn.com> wrote:

From: SBSchifani <Schifani@msn.com>
Subject: [WABlist] Re: Rules come Rules go
To: WABlist@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 7:04 PM


> Pat, with all due respect, Don never said anything like what you
> accuse him of.

Still, better to be on the safe side, strip him of all Best Sportsman awards, and have them sent to St Louis to be melted and cast into frenzied skirmishing Strength 7 Ulfhednar.

A good caning wouldn't hurt, either.

Pope Benedict XVI

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[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] USS Discovery Season 2


The USS Discovery is well into its Second mission. We now reach a point that
Season 2 starts. With a new home and new cosmetic upgrades we are ready to
launch on the 10th september 2010.

The Discovery is Dilliagent Class starship

Sms Rated 18

In a time where Star Fleet is short of active ships

Starfleet is calling for peace in galaxy that is constantly at war many planets
that unite the Federation of Planets are starting to feel that Star Fleet isn't
protecting them any more...A call to Arms from rogue factions has been made
against oppression and Starfleet is in a state of strife...

"A Storm Is Coming"

Discoverys mission

A retrovirus has accelerated the aging of the Discovery's crew... and increased
the libido of EVERYONE. There now is a strong URGE to mate... let your
inhibitions GO!!! Before you are too old to do anything about them.

<this a contining mission>

Mission Advisor
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Chief Engineering OfficerTransporter Chief
Chief Science OfficerAssistant Chief Science Officer
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Medical Officer

First Sergeant

* Bold denotes postions needing filling


Please contact me steven_oxlade (at) hotmail (dot) com
Harbor Master
Band of Brothers Simming Association
( http://st-bob.net )

The Band of Brothers is a return to the table top attitudes of simming, where
simming, and friends are what we are there for, not position or title.

Safe Haven is the social forum attached to the Band of Brothers, it's more like
the kitchen table you and your friends hung around when you were not actually
playing the game.

If you want a title or a pip, join a fleet, if you want to play, have fun, and
make friends, join us.

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[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] Highlander Reboot seeking creative and dedicated people



Highlander Online, a recreation of Highlander - The Online Roleplaying Game is
seeking original creations and for people to put new spins on certain cannon

Available Cannons to play:

Duncan MacLeod
Owen MacLeod
Colin MacLeod
Marcus Octavius
Ritchie Ryan
Joe Dawson
Xaiver St. Cloud
Rebecca Horne
Warren Cochrane
Jacob Kell
Jin Ke

Questions? Contact: astbury008 (at) gmail (dot) com
Harbor Master
Band of Brothers Simming Association
( http://st-bob.net )

The Band of Brothers is a return to the table top attitudes of simming, where
simming, and friends are what we are there for, not position or title.

Safe Haven is the social forum attached to the Band of Brothers, it's more like
the kitchen table you and your friends hung around when you were not actually
playing the game.

If you want a title or a pip, join a fleet, if you want to play, have fun, and
make friends, join us.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] to each his own


Title of Role Playing Game: 'to each his own'

Age limit you must be 18 as this is an adult group

Detailed Description: genre title sci fi , fantasty, future past any story is welcome here.

Other information: the only thing that is mandatory is a file with your character s name placed in the character folder.

Message Board Link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/toeachherown/

Who to Contact: lzabeth2 at yahoo.com [my shift key doesn t work, sorry.]

Can list members share this link with other groups?

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