[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] Ages of Romance (multi-genre one-on-one adult rp)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I have an idea for a long term story I would like to write with someone... please bare with me as the description might be somewhat cumbersome as it is a bit complicated-

A woman and a man, lets call them 'Eve' and 'Adam'(though we can pick different names if you want), go back and forth through history as well as the future, destined to meet and fall in love with each other, maybe even to start a family. They start out as complete strangers, in what we would call a modern setting, They live what we would call normal lives, completely unaware of their destinies or that they have already met, and will meet again, several times over, each encounter picking up where the last one left off.

But these encounters don't occur chronologically- they are strangers in the present day, and they bump into each other then go one with their lives, but then perhaps, say 1000 years ago, they meet each other again, perhaps in a quaint little medieval village, and remember having seen each other and get to know one another a little... then several hundred years in our future they have their first real date as colonists on Mars... or something like that anyway. Those are just examples but hopefully you get the idea.

Perhaps there is a reason they are destined to be together like this, to experience so many different times and perspectives on mankind's development. Perhaps there is also some kind of force that does not wish them to be together, and from time to time they will find themselves in situations where getting together seems too hard to bear, such as one of them being in prison for a crime they don't remember commiting, or perhaps he is a prince and she is a simple lowly palace servant. Maybe even once in a while, they will find people who seem, for no discernable reason, to be trying to make their lives as difficult as possible.

I would like to write 'Eve' and I am looking for someone to write for 'Adam'. We can also share in the writing of any necessary npc's. I am looking for someone who has a decent command of English(I don't nitpick, I just want to be able to read your posts and be able to tell what is going on, heh). This will be through email only, I don't have any chat programs and don't want to get into that stuff. Please be tolerant of the possibility of sex and violence, but if you are looking for them to bang each other on the first date then you might be disappointed. I am looking for someone who likes to write in paragraphs as opposed to just sending a few lines at a time. Three posts a week would be great, more would be even better but I know some of you have lives.

Anyway, if this sounds at all intriguing to you, please email me at rubie_fox@yahoo.com


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