[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] From the Darkness Arises... The USS Endevour

Saturday, August 28, 2010


From the Darkness Arises... The USS Endevour

A time of struggle, a crew filled with strife as they fight the urge to let the darkness overcome. Deep within the depths and darkest corners of known space stands one beacon, one sign to all that hope lies within us, that no matter what one man and on job can change the course of a universe that has awaited the arrival of a symbol, that symbol is the USS Endevour.

Come join this crew of men and women as they fight through the galaxy defending all that is right, warding off the evil within us all. In the wind of change the USS Endevour and her crew have found a new path that leads them along a long and winding corridor of time itself, the trials and tribulations of which we document in our history and our hearts, the continuing journeys seen through our eyes outlive even the boundaries and fabrics of our space and time.

The USS Endevour is the FSF's longest running simulation, our name Endevour was given in dedication to a host who passed, our long history is a decorated and enticing story. Come join the crew and not only hear this history but live it.

The USS Endevour is a PBEM simulation within Epsilon Fleet of the FSF. For further information please contact FSFSylvester(@SB254.com) or FSFMyles(@SB254.com).

Current openings include: HELM, Marine CO/XO, Assistants.

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