Re: [BTSS] (unknown)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


> > Or making Repentias faithful, and I know that might raise eyebrows at first but hear me out. They usually take the vow of the penitent willingly, or if not willingly then because they are so faithful/fanatical that they do so due to a minor sin (sometime not minor). So I would think that combined with a woman whipping (literally) them up into a frenzy that would make them somewhat faithful.
> Could just move them to troops and make them faithful and lower their cost.

I'd like to see two other changes (in addition to the above).

1. Once Holy Rage starts, you don't have to reroll if there are enemy within LOS of the Repentias.

2. In addition to the normal effects of Holy Rage, Repentias also gain FNP as well.

As for the Immolator ideas, how about a fast attack vehicle like these from Forge World for the SoB:

Maybe Sister them up a bit. Trust me, allowing players to be able to use a single Immolator for multiple spots on the FOC, means fewer tanks they can sell. If we get any kind of fast attack vehicle, it will most likely be something completely new.

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