[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] Looking for Young Justice

Monday, January 31, 2011


That's right, I'm looking for a Young Justice RPG. I'd love to have it based more off the new series on CN but I can do comic verse. I have a couple of character ideas, that would fit a YJ or original game with teen superheros. While I love X-Men, I'm looking for something
outside of my normal fandom. I also dig Teen Titans, as long as
originals are allowed. I do indeed play canons (Kid Flash, Beast Boy, maybe Robin), but I'm mostly
interested in playing an OC. Thank you kindly!


Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel I Valar tielyanna nu vilya
Lover of blue skinned, yellow eyed men... rawr!
Byte my ASCII you spammin' 8 bit!
I am the Terrible Toad Queen!
Evol is love backwards
Silly lil Fangirl

Mary: Did he... just take the whiskey bottle to the bathroom?
Ray: Do you want him to kill us all?
- Hancock

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