[OpenFX] 5 Questions: Did YOU know...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hi Traders,

First, thanks to everyone who has responded to the 5 question survey I posted lasted week! Wow, I've found out a lot of great information. For example, I had no idea 37.6% of respondents are under the age of 21, watch American Idol, have a crush on Miley Cyrus, and live in Tibet...

Oh, wait. Wrong survey.

Seriously, I really appreciate the input, so far. My goal is to discover what's wanted and needed, then provide it. Will I make everyone happy? Probably not; but the majority should like what you see. And, even those few who might not get "exactly" what they want, I promise to do my best to accommodate everyone. Fair enough? That said, as we head into the weekend, I'm preparing to tabulate, in detail, the results. So...

If you haven't "VOICED YOUR OPINION", make sure you're heard. It's a short, quick survey and you can respond to it by going here:

Thanks, again!


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