[OpenFX] Focus: Building a Future

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hi Traders,

One of the things like about the currency markets is that I get a "global" view of what's going on. I mean, how many of us (especially those in the US) would really be paying much attention to the rest world if we weren't reviewing daily reports and keeping-up with the Big Picture Economy? Then again, maybe this is one of the reasons we're drawn to this business.  

Of course, there's a lot going on these days around this great big world. And, for many, I'm sure it seems pretty scary. Others are just really ticked-off. For some, it's a combination... and, yet, there are still those (the majority?) who just don't have a clue.

Here's where I am these days: I see the excellent, the good, and the not so good. But, regardless of it all, I'm focused on creating what I want... my future. Yes, I point out those things that make me go, "Hmmm" or "Huh?" or "You've GOT to be kidding!" Really, though, these things are just events and, we can either let them paralyze us or...

Propel us.

I'm all for moving in the direction of what I want versus running away from what I don't. I believe thinking about how we WANT things to be is a far better activity than thinking how we don't want them to be. In terms of outcomes, there's a big difference, don't you think?

With this in mind, when I read and write about those items that might seem "negative", all I'm after is the truth. You see, from where I sit, the "truth" is neither good, nor bad. It just is. We, individually, qualify it however we choose. And, remember, there's always two (or more) ways to look at things. For example, if I'm short USD-CHF, I'd probably qualify the move south a "good thing". However, whomever was LONG the same pair probably has a much different opinion about the move.

See what I mean?

Of course, we can do this for just about everything: real estate, gold, Treasuries, oil, the "Crash" of 1929, etc. My observation of history, both recent and throughout the centuries, is regardless of the direction of where things move from and to, someone is likely to be very happy by it and someone else... well, not so much.

But here's the point: We, as in each of us, get to qualify the data filling our universe. My goal isn't so much to say if it's a good thing or not; rather, it's to be aware of what's going on and use that information to make good decisions, one's that align with what I want going forward.

Make sense?

Remember, there's ALWAYS opportunity. We just have to be open to it and willing to make adjustments. And this, I think, is where many people get a little stuck. We, as humans, don't really like change. But, when you think about it, "change" is inevitable. Certainly, if we've learned anything through our analysis of the markets, "stuff" cycle, they go up and down and, yes, they change.

So, my thought is and my observations are we have entered a period where things are changing, and perhaps rapidly. Some of hasn't sat well with me, but I realize this is because of my reluctance to adapt, adjust, or reinvent, which has been a personal thing. It is, however, my responsibility to handle; and it's something I get to control once I decide to do so.

In closing, I want to re-emphasize the importance on focusing on what you want, on creating the future, and using the data coming across the airwaves as something that's available to assist us in adapting or adjusting or reinventing those things we elect to. This is where the opportunity exists and one way to create what you want in life. 

My $.02.

Keep living large,



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