[OpenFX] Yahoo! News Story - 2 years after market low, the little guy is back - Yahoo! News

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Clay Mara (clay@claymarafiote.com) has sent you a news article.
(Email address has not been verified.)
Personal message:

Hi Folks,

Remember me saying, "The general public is always wrong or late the party, and usually both"?

When it comes to market tops (or "exhaustion"), this just might be one very telling article. Now, just so there's no confusion, make sure you replace "little guy" with "general public"... they're the same group--and, really, "little guy" sounds a tad condescending.

Anyway, here's two interesting quotes from the article:

"But history shows experts may not have better insight about what's next. Plus, individual investors notoriously follow the crowd. So is it a worrisome sign that they're flocking back?"

And this:

"Investors have the tendency to make the wrong decisions behaviorally," says Christopher Geczy, academic director of the Wealth Management Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School."

Gee, do ya really think so?

While experience tells me it's not necessary to teach at the prestigious Wharton or have "Ph.D" credentials, it's nice to see someone sitting in an ivory tower reaching the same conclusion as me... and you, too, probably.

But, honestly, I have to wonder if he reached this conclusion by looking at charts or by listening to what someone else told him.....

Ahh, the power of observation is a wonderful thing. Remember, "look, don't listen."

Keep living large,


2 years after market low, the little guy is back - Yahoo! News


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