Re: [BTSS] Two Questions, other Orders of the Sisterhood and protecting Pilgrim routes..

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Ok hopefully this will help.

White dwarf 292 has the Liber Sororitas in it. Its probably the most fluff you will see for the modern game on Sisters. This talks about the various founders and what not which leads a bit towards the differing Orders they founded or were founded int heir name. If you are looking for differences there really are none. Doctrinally speaking they are completely different than Space Marine chapters. They all follow the same basic combat doctrine and religious doctrines. Thats not to say they have no character differences but they are minor compared the difference between Imperial Fists and Blood Angels. A lot of people think like that. For any more info past that article and the Codex you will have to wait for the new 5th ed codex whenever it coems out.

On your 2nd question, the Sisters don't have any of their own ships that we know about. To me when the protect Pilgrim orutes it means they are stauioned on the regular Pilgrim ships. Adding an extra hundred or so passengers to a ship isn't a drain. They woudl also protect each of the Pilrgim sites in numbers. This probably means their are millions of Sisters galaxy wide which is a drastic increase from the roughly 30000 we got from 2nd edition. Again the new codex may change all this too just like there are now only 1000 Grey Knights. I bet those guys never sleep and are scattered around the impossibly large Galaxy they have to protect.

---- blueboybythesea <> wrote:
> Hello to the collective.
> I have two questions.
> First.
> Where can I get more information about the other Orders of Sisterhood, beyond page 11 of the codex?
> Second.
> On page 10 of the codex, it talks about the Sisters protects Pilgrim routes. To me, this implies means patrols on land and in space with either the local PDF, Arbiters and would they use their own dedicated part of the Imperial Fleet, with the largest ships being destroyers and the biggest part of the being patrol type craft, ie river patrols boats in Vietnam.
> Help for the fist question and what do you think of the second question. It opens up a lot of mixed small group battles against not normal foes.
> Thanks,
> Jim

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