>But why are there soo many Trek games filling up the space here...?
Granted people need to get together, but there is in fact a venue for the Trek
roleplaying. ...STO (Star Trek Online) maybe i'm being b&*chy, but it just bugs
I'm trying to find a game to join....but all I see is Trek, Trek, and more
Trek...I like trek but...<sigh>
Well why don't they have as much of a right to post here as all the other
groups? Just because there happen to be many of them doesn't mean they
shouldn't post here? I'm not getting the prejudice. I mean I don't care for
buffy/angel type stuff etc. but I don't gripe about it - I just don't respond.
In fact 90% of the groups that post here I'm not interested in, but they have a
right to post about their group as much as any other group does. Its not just
here for me lol.
If they didn't post here its not like it would mean so many other groups COULD,
this isn't a "first five get advertised" or anything like that - it isn't
crowding out any other group from posting. So I don't see what the big deal is.
If it bothers you getting all the email, switch to DIGEST form that's what I did
- now I just get one email a day with all the headings listed up top, I can
immediatley see what the contents of the email are so I can choose to just skip
them all, or scroll down to one I'm interested.
Also, STO is NOT a RP group. Its an MMORPG. Yes, I am sure there is roleplay
there - but its a full fledged graphical game, with many Non-Rpers and its own
issues as far as "fun". Also there is a box cost to play the game (30-50
bucks), and a monthly fee (10-15 bucks). So no, not all your ST Rpers are going
to want to go there. Its an entirely different genre.
That's like saying "Why are all the fantasy RPers posting here, don't they have
upteen fantasy MMORPGS to go RP in?" Just doesn't work the same.
Just some info there - so you know here is a difference. If you don't have
digest perhaps that would be better for you, lord knows I wouldnt' want all the
emails coming individually I dont' care what they are advertising =D.
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