Re: [WABlist] Re: Did Gil destroyed WAB tournaments?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Well I would say WAB and the method in which it was handled for the old
guard is a bitter pill. Those folks are obviously disgruntled and rightly
so given the investment of time and energy over the years championing WAB. A
lot of that activity centered around the HMGS events. Those folks are not
as engaged in the WAB community with justification. I can tell you with
experience if you have an active and engaged community you can run a
successful event for about any game system available regardless of company
support. That is certainly what you have had in the past at the HMGS
events, and it remains to be seen if this is just a blip for Cold Wars or

That said, it is not the case for all areas. WAB appears to be alive and
well in the UK judging by activity on the WAB forum. We have momentum at
AdeptiCon for our WAB events, although Forgeworld certainly is not making it
easy, with both the singles and doubles with only a couple tickets remaining
for the weekend. Additionally appears to be some event activity for WAB on
the West Coast. So there is still some heartbeats in the US for WAB, and it
is attracting some new players who are doing some amazing hobby work with

In the end it is more about the community than the game. The handling of
WAB has made it difficult for some in the existing community to stay
engaged. I think a number of us are waiting to see what other offerings
appear to decide if they want to reinvest the time and energy in WAB or not.
Others I am sure have moved on entirely. It is up to each of us to decide
if we want to stay with the old girlfriend or take the chance on being
single again and look for a new one.

Hank Edley

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