Re: [WABlist] Re: Was Gil..., Now Moving On...Thracian edition

Friday, March 11, 2011


- Does every Thracian need to be wearing their "hoodie"?
------> Depends on army and period. Earlier armies would prabably m\be more traditionally dressed.  For example Peloponessian War era armies.  Later on Thracians especially the ones closer to Hellas, became more Hellenized.
As we get to the Successors era, the subject of the Relic Thracians we see lots of helmets, and much more uniformity- in fact we are told they were uniformed for the third Macedonian war, in black... but this is two hundred years after Pericles, and a hundred and fifty beyond Alexander.

- Would a more barbaric look in the units be appropriate?
-------> More so in the north and fringe areas, maybe less so in the south in the Hellenized areas.

- Would Warlord's Dacians be stretching it too far, even if they were mixed in?
--------> That would not be a mix I would make. However they may be useful as Bastarnae, another ally of Perseus in his Roman war.

- Would characters and unit leaders adorn themselves in stolen armor, helmets and other booty? 
--------> That's going to have to be a matter of personal choice. Ancient peoples seem to have their own identity and it seem rare that they disposed of their tribal or ethnic trappings even if it is more efficient to take up better gear captured on the field... however this is usually not applicable to mercenaries who seem to morph to whatever gear is best for them, whether captured or provided.... one can see this in the hellenisitc Galatian, who is often only recognizable by his cloak- otherwise dressed and equipped as any other thrueophoros, although often portrayed in heroic nudity.  Insurgents also use captured gear, often when they do not have access to weapon making.  I would expect the insurgent armies that fought Rome to have lots of captured gear- but then they have to win a few fights- like the Maccabees to gain such booty... and against Miles Gloriousus (raping Thrace thrice) I would doubt you would see too many units of Thracian

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