[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] End of the Age--The Apocolypse is here....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The Earth shook and the sky opened up and Hell was upon us.

END OF THE AGE is an alternate Season 6 Supernatural roleplaying game which explores what would have happened if Lucifer had won the final battle in Swan Song.

Here the Demons have inherited the Earth, and with the Gates Of Hell blown wide open, every Supernatural entity walks amongst us freely. Mankind battles to survive in this dark time, hoping that one day, they can reclaim what was theirs.

So pack your bags, grab something to protect yourself with and start the hunt to find someplace to hide, because nowhere is safe.

CURRENTLY NEEDING: Sam Winchester, Crowley, Meg, Ruby, Bobby....and others!

We are an advanced to intermidate to advanced RPG that is always looking for new players. The RPG is a bit mature at times so writer beware.


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