[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] Re: Gaming Study

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Thanks to everyone who took the survey! The responses are anonymous but I can see the the number of responses has been rising.

The survey is still online. So if any of you wish to take it, http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/OnlineGamingTeamwork is the link.


--- In RPG_Player_Sanctuary@yahoogroups.com, "gaming_study" <gaming_study@...> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I thought I had posted a similar message earlier but maybe not.
> I am a graduate student studying Mass Communication. My Masters thesis deals with online gaming and teamwork qualities. As part of the thesis, I have an online survey posted on Survey Monkey. This being an active group, I thought I could post the link here and invite all of you to take the survey.
> All responses are anonymous, and you will not need more than 15-20 minutes to complete the survey.
> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/OnlineGamingTeamwork is the link.
> Your responses will be hugely helpful and take me that much closer to graduating this year... :)
> In case of any questions/concerns, please let me know. Feel free to pass the link around to other active gaming folks.
> Thanks!
> Lakshmi

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