[WABlist] Re: Did Gil destroyed WAB tournaments?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Down in sunny San Diego

Paul R

--- In WABlist@yahoogroups.com, "fabros1" <fabros1@...> wrote:
> what little corner of california are you located in? i'm in fresno
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: rigbyp
> To: WABlist@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 3:28 PM
> Subject: [WABlist] Re: Did Gil destroyed WAB tournaments?
> With the total lack of support from FW I can see the tourney seen dropping off but that doesn't really concern much a whole lot since I'm not primarily a tourney player. Over in my little corner of California WAB is doing alright. For me, WAB 2.0 is a better set of rules and people around me have adopted them. There are a few odd things but we just make some house rules and everyone is happy. I guess I'm blessed with a good group of gamers that are open to modifications to rules and lists.
> I actually ordered a number of extra copies of WAB 2.0 when it first came out and the guys at my gaming group picked them up off me real quick. We don't have too many WAB converts since 2.0 came out down where I am but we have gotten a few. Mainly by getting them involved in our club. They see a few us playing on club night and want to start getting their own army. Nothing really has to do with GW support or lack of it with them. I guess Pat from SoCal Warhammer radio has been having some real good luck though up north with his recruiting though.
> One thing I will miss though is the really nice supplements. Although with Jeff J being local, the FotW update a French group putout a while back (which I love) and the custom lists the folks around here put together and share I have what I need for years of gaming. BTW I'm really interested in seeing how your Anglo-Norman force turns out Ilan.
> I'll probably try out the new rule sets that are coming out. I just don't see myself totally switching over to a new system when I have great fun still with WAB.
> Paul R
> --- In WABlist@yahoogroups.com, "allen.ness" <allen.ness@> wrote:
> >
> > Hand salute!
> >
> > Steady heartbeat in the high desert of New Mexico too.
> >
> > --- In WABlist@yahoogroups.com, William Edley <hank.edley@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Well I would say WAB and the method in which it was handled for the old
> > > guard is a bitter pill. Those folks are obviously disgruntled and rightly
> > > so given the investment of time and energy over the years championing WAB. A
> > > lot of that activity centered around the HMGS events. Those folks are not
> > > as engaged in the WAB community with justification. I can tell you with
> > > experience if you have an active and engaged community you can run a
> > > successful event for about any game system available regardless of company
> > > support. That is certainly what you have had in the past at the HMGS
> > > events, and it remains to be seen if this is just a blip for Cold Wars or
> > > not.
> > >
> > > That said, it is not the case for all areas. WAB appears to be alive and
> > > well in the UK judging by activity on the WAB forum. We have momentum at
> > > AdeptiCon for our WAB events, although Forgeworld certainly is not making it
> > > easy, with both the singles and doubles with only a couple tickets remaining
> > > for the weekend. Additionally appears to be some event activity for WAB on
> > > the West Coast. So there is still some heartbeats in the US for WAB, and it
> > > is attracting some new players who are doing some amazing hobby work with
> > > armies.
> > >
> > > In the end it is more about the community than the game. The handling of
> > > WAB has made it difficult for some in the existing community to stay
> > > engaged. I think a number of us are waiting to see what other offerings
> > > appear to decide if they want to reinvest the time and energy in WAB or not.
> > > Others I am sure have moved on entirely. It is up to each of us to decide
> > > if we want to stay with the old girlfriend or take the chance on being
> > > single again and look for a new one.
> > >
> > > Hank Edley
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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