[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] Recruiting: Raptors

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Name: The Raptors: Evolve or Die
System: Hero System 5th Edition
Setting: Homebrew universe
Setting Knowledge required: None
System Knowledge required: Preferred but not required.
Type of Game: Supers (People with powers), Action, Drama
Rating: R to NC-17 for adult themes, violence and sexual content

You are a person blessed or perhaps cursed, with powers and abilities
beyond the mortal rank and file. Perhaps you can fly, read thoughts or
maybe you have the power to project energy or bend reality to your will
in various ways. Whatever you can do, whatever makes you different, it
has twisted your life, made you a freak. Perhaps your family rejected
you; maybe you are hunted like an animal. The public does not believe
you exist, the government sees you as a threat. No one understands you.
You are young, empowered and trapped in a world that rejects you. Yes,
the same as any adolescent but most of them aren't going to end up in
lab because of it.

Until now you thought you were alone. Then, in your darkest hour, she
came and rescued you, took you in, gave you purpose. Perhaps for the
first time, you were told your powers were something to be proud of,
that you were the next step in evolution. And the world would be yours
if you were willing to take it. Welcome to Future. Evolve or Die.

The Raptors is a campaign focusing in the development of a new
generation of super powered mutants. Player Characters will be the
students of Dr Brianna Morgenstern, a visionary being of unknown origin
running a training academy for your kind. The characters and the
situations they face will be of a darker bent but the characters do not
have to be outright evil or psychopathic. Most of the characters will
come from troubled backgrounds and have dark sides, but shades of gray
are possible and encouraged. Character should roughly 11-18 years of age.

Number of players: Seeking 1-3 more players. The game will begin very
shortly so I'd need to get concepts soon
Age Limit: 18 or over please
Contact information: Interested parties please contact: kkmfoster@gmail.com
with [Raptors] including brackets in the subject header for more
information including character creation guidelines and background


"If the Obama administration announced a plan to give everyone in the US superpowers the Republican party line would become "If everyone is special, no one is." the next day."

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