Title: After Twilight Fell
Age Limit: 18 and older
Description: Ten long years have passed since the birth of Renesme
Cullen. Ten years the Cullens have had a truce with the Quileute tribes
back in Forks and have moved from Forks to an island in the South
Pacific. Quil, Embry, Seth, Leah and Jacob all follow the Cullens, the
pack choosing to follow Jacob and his imprinted mate.
The Cullen's have found peace on their small island, enjoying each
moment that they have together, growing tighter as a clan and learning
ways of fighting as a closer unit, wolves and vampires alike. Little do
they know however the Volturi are simply sitting back and waiting,
watching and planning for their next move. When the Volturi next meet
with the Cullens it will be to take what they want, and this time they
will not stop until they have it
Soon it will be time to fight. Soon it will be time to hold close to all
they hold dear but for now, for now they live, laugh, love, play and
enjoy all that life has to offer them.
Other: There is a very small "About Me" form that must be filled
out when joining.
Needed: We have several of the Canon's that are still needed, see
the group wiki for details
Homepage: http://aftertwilightfell.pbworks.com
<http://aftertwilightfell.pbworks.com/> (please note: the group wiki
is still under construction)
Who to Contact: After-Twilight-Fell-owner@yahoogroups.com
<mailto:After-Twilight-Fell-owner@yahoogroups.com> Either Faith or
Jules will get back to you within 24 hours if you have questions
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