[WABlist] Re: WAB v. Hail Caesar, which should I push?

Thursday, March 1, 2012


--- In WABlist@yahoogroups.com, "aeceditor" <aecurtis@...> wrote:
> Hi, Chuck:
> I'm coming late to the discussion, but here you go. I think we talked about a lot of these issues when I was down at the shop earlier in the year. We had to cut it short because you were meeting with a documentary crew, but as I recall, we covered many if not most of the good points that have already been made. So I'm really surprised that you're seriously considering this!

Thanks for your input Allen. The new store is more than twice as big as my old one, so I do have the room to expand into historical lines. With about 6,200 sq. ft., and a MUCH more visible location, we are attracting a significantly larger crowd and can accommodate a more broadly based gaming group. This Hail Caesar thing is already starting to spin out of control at our store - in a good way. With just me walking around with the rulebook and talking to a couple of people, we have already attracted 6 players who have all bought the rulebook, bought what few figures I had, and are clamoring for more. This without any effort on my part to actually push the game. I am very encouraged by what I see. And this crowd is made up of loyal customers who fully understand they could get all of this much cheaper on the net, but they want to support Game Empire.

I also found out that one of my distributors is run by a guy that plays ancients himself, and he prides himself on the fact that he carries virtually every line of 28mm figs, including Foundry, Old Glory, and some of the companies you mentioned. So this looks doable. But I am going to move forward cautiously, and will keep my commitment level at a manageable level so that if does explode, the damage will be minimal.

This is definitely an experiment. Part of my thinking is "Hey, what's the point of owning a game store if you can't play games with your favorite miniature army?" I think our store has grown big enough to support this. Plus, the TV guys are fascinated by all of this. You should have seen how they fell out of their chairs when I told them that the first war game miniatures rules were written by H.G. Wells, and that he used to play with Robert Louis Stevenson! It turns out that the director's favorite author is RLS. They are in a constant state of amazement whenever they come to film. Having historical games, especially huge multi-table games with lots of cool terrain, will really enhance the show.

I would love for you to come down to the new store and give me your analysis of the prospects for success with more historical gaming. Our new address is 1795 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena. We are at the north west corner of Allen and Colorado, about 1/2 mile west of the of our old location. Call before you come so I can make sure I have no conflicts for the day. I will buy you lunch!

And this invitation goes out to Jeff as well, of course.


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