[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] Romantic Fantasies, 18+

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Group Name: Romantic FantasiesGroup Link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/romantic-fantasies/Genre: Romance, collaborative role play writingGeneral: Have a romantic streak and you're not sure where you should let it out? Join us in Romantic Fantasies, a freeform, dice-less, turn-less role play group. We are an 18+ group and your age must be visible in your Yahoo profile or you will not be admitted into the group.  All stories are of a romantic / erotic nature so those who join have to be 18 and older. There is a posting rule of two full in character posts per month.Miscellaneous: Writing samples are required to join, must be received within 72 hours of application to the site owner for approval, more if you email the owner to let me know. Your age must be visible in your Yahoo profile in order to join as well, no exceptions. Miscellaneous 2: We have some amazing people in the group that are looking for writing partners, join up so that you can
be a part of the great (if small) group of writers that are a part of this group. Questions, then email me:  romantic-fantasies-owner@yahoogroups.com

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