Re: [BTSS] Sisters Veh.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


>Meh to power gaming options sisters are strong enough as it is. They can take on any army as it is even with the crappy wd codex they always have been incredibly competitive it's the limited options that suck and of course the price there aren't many people out there that are going to spend £300 to field 30 seraphim with the living saint but they are easily a formidable choice to face that gives an oh shit factor to anyone on the receiving end of them the same goes for fielding 9 penitent engines with all those extra attack for unsaved wounds (and there will be a lot) or even the assaulting Sisters Repentia can cause nightmares for many players from what I've seen of army lists everyone is stuck into doing the exact same mechanised sisters lists with a Uriah bomb of death cult assassins. There are other strategies out there that work just as well not better. More character would be nice though now the inquisition is gone. As they are just space marines with less strength and less choice cavalry may not be to everyone's taste but certainly could provide that extra surprising punch.

Really Seraphim are the lesser choice for Sisters at this point, but they aren't bad. Dominions are hot with their Scout move. Penitent Engines don't even register as they can't be controlled and are too slow to the fight to be of much use. When combined with being a squadron, it makes them as open topped vehicles far too easy to kill. A squad of Fire warriors can take them out. On even a glace any STR 5 weapon with an AP value has a 1 in 3 chance of making a kill since they are open topped and AV 11 in a squadron. The only assault unit we have worth anything is the battle conclave. Repentia, Seraphim, and Celestians (yes Celestians as they clearly thought they should be stuck in with their faith power) are all sub-par. None of them hit very well or very often. Celestians should have limited options similar to Vanguard and Sternguard as they fulfill a similar function in that they are the power armored elite of the army. Power weapons, pistols (flamer, inferno, bolt, plasma) melta bombs, combi-weapons, and various special weapons should be the choices there. They are not and we have the same thing as Battle Sisters. Yawn! Repentia are too slow and not very tough for an assault only unit. That and they can't be controlled very well since they have Rage. Being T 3 and I 1 with only a 6+ invulnerable save is too weak. Any other assault unit will trash them royally before they get to go. Its just terrible that they have a faith power that only works when they die. At least they are better than before I suppose.

I really want to like the Living Saint but she doesn't hit very hard. Her best use is objective denial to be honest. Both Kyrinov and Uriah are better choices for what they bring to the army. Kryinov has an area buff to stiffen our morale and Uriah can really bring the pain. Both can have a Battle Conclave. I would rather pay like 200 more points for Celestine and have her be an absolute beast; right now she is just nice.

>I'm not denying a flyer would be nice and no doubt if it carried seraphim there would be no end of lists titled the flying nuns of Ophelia vii etc. But it just doesn't strike me as very sistery. They already had access to the Valkyrie with IA and Inquisitors. It's a change but with a Uriah bomb would probably be more op than the grey knight equivalent in a storm raven but that's it if I played that every game. My mates would tell me to get lost they already saw how powerful the living saint is on her own for how little she costs. A giant gunship to fly round the battlefield i couldn't bring myself to take it in small games with their cost and how easy they are to pop and ravage the troops inside when there are other units I could take that would do a lot more for their points.

Valkyries are no longer an option for us even with IA since we can't have an Inquisitor except in Apocalypse games. The Valkyrie is a dedicated transport option for the Inquisitor and his retinue which really isn't even a unit anymore. They probably need to update those rules again for IA 2. They did it for Grey Knights, but not for Sisters yet. What is an option howevr is the Vulture from IA which has some nice options, but I try to avoid to much FW stuff in my list nowadays as my FLGS doesn't allow it as often.Repressors still have options for Laud Hailers and Holy Icons. Laud Hailers are no longer vehicle equipment and Holy Icons don't exist. Its not a stretch to house rule it really, but very rarely do people let me do that unless its my normal gaming group. Uriah Bomb isn't really more overpowered in a fast vehicle than it is in a slow one. Without open topped or assault ramps, it doesn't matter how fast you move you can't assault unless your vehicle was stock still. A dropship with bolters isn't overpowered but it would be fluffy since Sisters have to get to the battlefield somehow from orbit

>That said and done if we're talking apoc games, I'd kill for a Sisters-only super heavy option, but I know it there won't be a specific titan for them with their fluff but a super-sized dread. Or a super-heavy tank wouldn't go amiss so long as it has the appropriate amount of burny things on it each to their own i guess but with sisters for fluffy bits i see ancient. Relics protected in the halls of Ecclesiarchy for centuries brought out in times of great conflict maybe not pre-heresy but there had to be a lot of sinister tech pre-apostacy.

You'll just have to make your own or mix Sisters with IG in Apocalypse. Its what I do for games of Apoc especially at totals of more than a few thousand points. I typically play with a 10000 point mix of both armies. I've got a custom super-heavy clocking in at 700 points. I really don't have a problem with that though the Sisters could stand some more Apocalypse support in the form of strategic assets and formations. Currently we have 4 formations and one asset unique to Sisters which no longer does anything.

>Militia would be nice to see again but i just don't see them as cavalry being as a militia was a rag tag group of town folk grabbing whatever weapons they had laying around a horse is a lot more expensive than a las pistol or stub gun. I know they put the option in the second ed codex it just never sat right with me; kinda like all these films you see of the medieval period with virtually everyone having a sword when it would have cost them a year's salary to buy a sword minor thing i know for a fantasy setting with tons of things we'll never see in a million years. But it's just my opinion as for the rhino variants it kinda comes with the territory of them being space marine clones really at least they are varied enough not to just be rhinos, predators, whirlwinds, etc.

The Frateris militia would be nice actually. I can't think of fluffier unit to be adding as troops. If taken as a big untrained mob backed by someone like Kyrinov they might become decent or even effective. IG can pull it off better with Straken assault lists better, but it can be done. Masses of wounds done on initiative 3 (or even 2) can be just as effective at 6 or 7 power weapon wounds on I 5 or 4. Plus they could be used as ablative shield for the real troops or even as a screen for our Exorcists and other tanks.

>Don't complain about guard being faster than you most players don't move half their guard army in fear that they won't be able to fire and those that go air borne take the options where they'll regret moving quickly into your Eviscerators and mass of flamers and heavy flamer and bolter fire it won't be long before all you have left is the flying tin can with an entire army of guns firing on it and nut job nun trying to cut it open ready to cook it's contents /end rant

I'm not complaining about IG being faster than Sisters, I am complaining about every army having faster options than us. I just used IG as an example and gave a fluffy portion as well. Every codex has some option that can move faster than Sisters even Tyranids since they have beasts in there. Most every codex has a bike or a skimmer option at least if not more. Daemons have cavalry, beasts, and jet-bikes. They could have made Immolators fast. Heck it works for Blood Angels with their twin-linked heavy flamer razorback why not Sisters. I will point out that Blood Angels actually pay 10 less points for theirs as well and its stats are otherwise identical. The difference of a 6+ invulnerable save is not that good.

Ultimately the codex is merely adequate, but why should I settle for adequate when every other codex has a ton more options that are cool. Heck most codices have more wargear choices than we do in units. I want options that a fun, fluffy, and cool to build and paint. I don't care so much about power as I do fun. Winning is nice (everyone likes to win once in a while at least) but is not a requirement. I just want more options in our lists. Most Force Org. chart sections have only one clear choice to take. I want newer and better models I can build and paint since most of our models are raidly approaching 15+ years of age. A new non WD codex demands that at the very least.


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