Re: [RPG_Player_Sanctuary] Re: Romantic Fantasies, 18+

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Sweet Guy:

The group you joined here was NOT Romantic Fantasies.

This is my group you are bitching about. My group is erotic_role_play.

You have slandered Romantic Fantasies and really, truly do owe that groups owner an apology.

As for your issues with ERP; this is one of the emails you received upon your admittance, which clearly states that although you can indeed see adult groups through Yahoo, we require that your profile be public. If at anytime you change your profile status after being in the group, we can boot you. 

Recently, Yahoo made changes to the profile information available to moderators
and owners of groups and states, as follows: "If you're a moderator who previously used this information to verify a group
member's age, you will no longer be able to do this by glancing at your
membership list. However, you will be able to click on a user's name and will be
taken directly to that user's profile (if they've opted to make their profile
public). It's important to note that as a moderator you will never be asked to verify a
user's age (especially if you're running an adult group and wish to ensure that
people under the age of 18 are not attempting to join). This "check" is done
automatically by Yahoo's systems: if someone is under the age of 18, they will
not be able to access a site that is intended for mature audiences." However, while it is is no longer required that your age be present in your
profile as a safeguard for admission to an adult RPG, the administration at ERP
has decided that it is within our rights to require that Yahoo profiles be


If you don't want to make your profile public, that's fine. But it means you aren't getting into ERP. And since
this is your choice, you have no right to go anywhere else and spread falsehoods. There are no creepy undertones to ERP;
we have an amazing membership that does not fill the OOC with useless drama and bad mouthing of anyone else. Our members
are respectful and polite to one another and they enjoy a place to 'play' that is as comfortable and easy going as

Ithica, Mod @ erotic_role_play

From: Sweet Guy <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2012 10:45 PM
Subject: Re: [RPG_Player_Sanctuary] Re: Romantic Fantasies, 18+

Apr 27 (5 days ago)

to me, Eric, Ithica
Apologies, I accidentally approved your membership request for ERP before
checking the profile. My mistake, and I do apologize. However, all
members at the group must have their age visible in their profile as we are
an adult roleplaying group. If you edit that, please feel free to re-apply.


ERP Management

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 8:24 PM, Romantic

> **
> To the members:
> My deepest apologies for this happening on the board but I refuse to be
> attacked and defamed in such a manner without having been provided with
> any proof other then someone's mysterious "word" of what may have
> possibly occurred.
> Sweet Guy:
> Again I ask you, what name did you allegedly attempt to join my group
> under. Because I can tell you now that only one person in the past 24
> hours has joined, set off my "creep-o-meter" and, by his own accord,
> decided to leave the group when I asked him not to use his screen/real
> name for the name of his character. This just happens to be a personal
> preference of mine and a quirk. I'm sure this fellow may be a good or
> even a great writer but he did set off my personal "creep-o-meter". To
> that end I am more then willing to post a screen shot of my moderator
> activity logs of the last 24 hours should you wish - to prove or
> disprove your "theory".
> To which I will once again reiterate, neither "Sweet Guy",
> "mejia.sangri" nor "dire_nightmare" has ever, not once, NEVER attempted
> to join my site. Now, would you mind clarifying for us all just what
> name or tag you attempted to join under so I can attempt to find you and
> your so-called "joining" in my group logs and emails. After all, I'm
> sure we'd all like to know just who you were pretending to be...
> --- In, Sweet Guy
> <mejia.sangria@...> wrote:
> >
> > This is one of the things I find don't recall my
> joining,
> > yet you sent me a message no more than 24 hours ago, telling me that
> you
> > accepted me *only *to remove me from the group less than five minutes
> later
> > because I didn't have an age in my profile...which I did.
> >
> > I alerted you that you cannot even LOOK at the group without listing
> 18 or
> > older in your account (Yahoo forbids it).....and my e-mail went
> ignored. At
> > least, until I made mention of this in the group.
> >
> >
> > I'm surprised you would disavow any knowledge of having spoken to me
> > before. It's things like this that raise red flags. Perhaps you could
> go
> > through your Inbox/Outbox a time or two again and see if that helps
> jog
> > your memory a bit. By all means, if I was wrong and Yahoo lets
> profiles
> > with 1-17 year olds at the helm into Age-restricted groups, you
> could've
> > let me know when I made my initial reply. I recall inviting you to
> correct
> > me if I was wrong at the time.
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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