Hey there, guys! I've been a role player now for several years - everything started with yahoo chat rooms, ironically enough!
I have many characters I like to use and am always up for creating more. I prefer fantasy but can also get down with some modern (like X-Men) and romantic/erotic. Generally, I am a multi-para / novella writer but so long as the writing is good I am not concerned about the length.
Everything and every character I play with is subject to tweaking since I know not everyone fits with every plot!
Some characters I frequently play with are:
Riz'nah: an Ignean (basically fire-ram) shaman who grows up to head her own settlement of people. She has few companions because she is terribly boisterous, loud, opinionated, assertive, reckless, and otherwise uncontrollable, but makes an excellent friend and is handy in battle with both her Red and Black magics but her mace as well. There is however Kaz'nii, who is her faithful Lieutenant who is in Eolan (basically air-bird folk) and heals her with his White magic and acts as her voice of reason when she goes off the deep end. He is madly in love with her but afraid to show it and she is completely clueless.
Az'rim: a Dah'kin (drow, essentially, but being underground has made their skin white) huntress who is filled with hate. Her life is filled with lies, deception, and mistrust. She basically raised her younger brother, whom she loves AND hates and with whom there has always been unresolved sexual tension. They are not incestuous, but Az'rim is not above using her sexuality to manipulate her brother, Je'retiel. Her family considers her a huge failure for not marrying up the ladder and for choosing against High Priestess training for the lowly work of a hunter.
Korvka: she is a mutant (X-Men) of 17 or so with control over plants. Originally from Russia, she is very much so mistrustful, cynical, aloof, brusque, prickly, and sarcastic. There is no real malice in her heart but her skin is thin and she is sensitive, therefore she protects herself by being very unpleasant. With control over any plant and the ability to grow them from her person at will, she has access to most poisons and toxins and, were she so inclined, could make a very bad enemy. Mostly though, she spends her time pouring herself into her music, playing and writing music for bassoon, piano, organ, and voice, mostly.
Azzuck: this orc woman is the only child to a mad father. Her father was the shaman for her tribe but was driven mad by dark magic and his own mental instability and started to think his tribe was turning on him. So, in order to feel powerful, he began concocting a spell when Azzuck was very young, a spell that would give her powers unimaginable. It took two years for the spell to come to fruition, along the way he became more and more cynical and unpredictable. When he was finally finished, he cast the spell on Azzuck through a painful ritual and she was given the power of the Rage. Essentially, she's a berserker - the spell increases her strength, speed, and defenses for a limited time (usually only ten minutes or less). Since the spell is now a part of her and she's old enough to have lived through troubles with it, she has learned a modicum of control: this basically means that she can differentiate friend from foe, but is not capable of speech or anything like that. She's confident, crass, uneducated, and wild.
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