[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] Isle of Exile

Friday, June 1, 2012


St. Lawrence, Alaska.

Snuggled within the arms of the Bering Sea, the island of Saint Lawrence is known for its Siberian Yupik heritage. Hunters, fisherman, reindeer herders inhabit the island mostly, but they unknowingly also play host to darker beings than those who stalk the taverns.

For the past 10 years, North American Clans have been sending their exiled to the state of Alaska. But after so many wrongful mortal deaths in pursuit of animal-attack cases, they decided to place the unwanted orphans where there humans are known to be as monstrous as themselves.

Those left here know that if they leave the shores, eager murdering hands in both the Alaskan main and Siberia await them. Thus, they are now left to either avoid their own kind in search of a more peaceful life, pledge allegiances, or fight for territory of their own. All while avoiding the seemingly ever-present Alaskan sun.


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