[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] File - How_To_Advertise.txt

Monday, October 1, 2012


The following is a suggested format for game advertisements. It
does not have to be followed to the letter. However, the information
listed in this format will aid your advertisement in being easily
read, understood and replied to. The monitors of this list highly
recommend including all the following information:

Title of Role Playing Game:

Age limit, if any: How young can a player be?

Detailed Description: Please include genre title and a description
of the premise of your game.

Other information: In this optional place, please list what is needed
to join such as a sample of that player's writing, how often a
player is expected to post, the pace of the game presently, any open
roles that need filled and anything else you see fit to include.

Homepage: If you have a website for your game, please place the link

Message Board Link: Link of how and where to join your game

Who to Contact: Owner(s) email

Can list members share this link with other groups?

Recent Activity:
To Post message, email RPG_Player_Sanctuary@yahoogroups.com,
To Unsubscribe, email RPG_Player_Sanctuary-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com,
To contact list owner, email RPG_Player_Sanctuary-owner@yahoogroups.com


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