[WABlist] Re: Was Gil..., Now Moving On...Thracian edition

Friday, March 11, 2011


Allen & Jeff,

Thanks so much. That is very helpful, unfortanely you both failed on the snarky side of things.

The initial basis for my Thracians are OG Skythian foot (as Jeff previously commented) bought in a moment of weakness when Brookhurst was blowing out their Old Glory stuff. I plan to add some Crusader and Foundry stuff initially. A Helenistic look will speed up the painting process and broaden the ranks with more of a barbaric look; thanks! Adding a few "booty adorned" unit leaders will help them stand out. Again, bags of First Corps' Greek leaders packs laying around transported from LA - whew, made it through TSA once again. So corinthian helmets on Thracian bad boys - good/bad/ugly?

Yes, I see how the Dacian pants wouldn't fit.

Thanks again for helping a bog-wallower stuck in the dark ages.

--- In WABlist@yahoogroups.com, "aeceditor" <aecurtis@...> wrote:
> >>> I've heard that Relic does some Thracians (for your characters), but I haven't dug deep enough on their site to find them.
> Probably not on the Web site yet. A couple of greens on the facebook page:
> http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#!/pages/Relic-Miniatures-LTD/146735935944
> >>> - Does every Thracian need to be wearing their "hoodie"?
> No.
> >>> - Would a more barbaric look in the units be appropriate?
> Depends on what Thracians you're modelling. The Odrysian kingdom and the lowland tribes: perhaps not so much. The "highland" tribes: perhaps more so.
> >>> - Would Warlord's Dacians be stretching it too far, even if they were mixed in?
> Gah. Just... gah. Those are just the Warlord plastic Disco Celts with extra bits. So... Disco Dacians?
> http://shop.warlordgames.co.uk/dacian-war-host-1826-p.asp
> The metal bits generally look a little too late for Classical or Hellenistic era Thracians; they're distinctly from the Dacian wars with Rome, as they're based on Roman monuments.
> There was cultural crossover between the Thracian tribes and Celts, especially when the Celts wandered through "Thracia" as well as Macedon and Greece; some then wandered firther to establish Galatia in Asia Minor. The kingdom of Tylis was a Celtic state for a short while:
> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d8/TribesinThrace.jpg
> See also:
> http://www.caorc.org/fellowships/mellon/pubs/Theodossiev.pdf
> So you can intermix Thracian and Celtic figures to a degree, depending on what you're modelling. But if I were starting with a baseline of Foundry Thracians (I think you said on the WAB Forum that's what you had?), I'd probably look to Renegade and A&A for comlementary Celts.
> >>> - Would characters and unit leaders adorn themselves in stolen armor, helmets and other booty?
> Yep. Sure do miss Christopher Webber's "Threshkurion" site; it's pretty much dead, and his "new" site is well broken:
> http://home.exetel.com.au/thrace/pictures.htm
> However, he's published some good stuff in "Ancient Warfare" magazine; good article in issue IV/6 on Thracian mercenaries.
> >>> Any help, thoughts and skarky comments appreciated.
> Sorry, I think I have failed in being especially snarky.
> Allen

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