[WABlist] Some rules questions

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Hey everyone,

Some questions came up in a recent game, and I was hoping that members of
the list might weigh in on the answers. Here is the situation:

A general is leading a Thegn/Ceorl unit from Shieldwall, and they lose,
break, flee and are not caught.


1) How should we handle rallying? At a recent tournament a referee read the
flight rules as if the fleeing unit essentially becomes skirmishers, and
therefore cannot benefit from a character's leadership or the general's if
within 12". I can see this reading in the rules, as fleeing troops are
described as having no formation. In this reading, fleeing units may not
use the general's leadership to rally, and the general (or any character)
must rally on the unmodified leadership of the warband unit, but I think the
rules are unclear. Sed contra, the book never says "fleeing troops act like
skirmishers in every respect," and so it makes sense to me that a general or
a character in a unit that is fleeing would use his/her own LD to rally

2) As a related question, the general above ended up fleeing the table
(because the player, to his credit, was very gracious about accepting the
most damaging reading of the rules). I see int he panic section that tests
are taken when a general dies, but this is not the case when a general
decides that its quittin' time?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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