Vampires and hunters RPG, using characters from Supernatural/Buffy/Angel/Forever Knight/ Vampire Diaries/ Anne Rice/ Vampire Academy and various other films and shows. As long as your character doesnt sparkle its welcome here.
Sam and Dean openned the Devils Gate, and let out countless souls in the process. Tipping the balence of power to the darkness, and awakening dark souls that are better left sleeping.
Darkness is winning the battle, moving us into the end of days the final fight for the planet for good or darkness. Who ever wins this final battle, wins the war as well. Both sides are trying their hardest to capture or kill those of power on the other side to them.
Sam and Dean are at the top of the hitlist for both sides from messing with the natural order of things. Hunters and huntresses up and down the country are being called to battle.
Taken Characters
Sam and Dean Wincester (hunters)
Faith (slayer)
Ruby (demon)
Javier Vachon (vampire/ Forever Knight)
Mekare and Maharet and Armand (Vampires/Anne Rice)
Damon (Vampire/ Vampire Diaries)
Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy)
Reserved Character
Anya (demon)
Bobby Singer (Hunter)
Jo Harvele (Huntress)
Required for start of play.
Louis and Lestat (Ann Rice)
Nick Knight (Forever Knight)
Henry Fitzroy (Bloodties)
Vicky Nelson (Bloodties)
Peter Vincent and Charlie (Frightnight)
Rupert Giles (Buffy)
Lissa Dragomir (Vampire Academy)
Dimitri (Vampire Academy)
A Seer (whether it be Pamela (Supernatural), Doyle/Cordy (Angel/Buffy), the witch from VD, or open to suggestions
Wolf characters/demon characters (good and bad)
Open to suggestions from vampires shows/books and films and demons and hunters from the same. No sparkling characters will be permitted!
Anyone already refused or banned form one of my RPG's need not apply.
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