Brevity being the soul of wit, and all that jazz, I'll keep this short: I'm fidgeting with a freeform Highlander 'verse RPG.
The game would reboot the series to, essentially, the first film -- only Ramirez's death is carved in canonical stone -- although we'd requisite bits of Highlander: The Series for characters and mythology (like the Watchers) according to whim. Otherwise, the world will be what we make of it. There would be a modern aspect (set in New York City, 2012) in addition to the wherever-whenever flashbacks characteristic of the series.
Players needn't at all be familiar with Highlander canon, by the way. Interest in the concept is really going to be my only stipulation.
Adults only, but I don't want that to be a by-word for 'dismemberment and boobies, ahoy!' Simply that it will be a literate game with occasional eruptions of gratuitous violence, shocking language, moral dubiety, lurid sexual encounters, decapitations, and (sporadically) inaccurate history (swoon!).
The game will commence in about a month-ish, but I would fancy getting together a core of interested people to -- eventually -- start things off on the right foot.
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