[RPG_Player_Sanctuary] Omega Fleet, Sabre Base and Wraith Squadron

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


A beacon in the night grows ever brighter now that they are here.  They have been charged with the duty of bringing peace back to the Federation and her member worlds.  They have been charged  with the task of ending the war.  They stand along our borders and prevent the evil from crossing.  They are the ones that guard us and our families.
They are the proud members of Omega Fleet Online.  In this time of war, this Fleet was assembled to stand against the darkness and to end the troubling times that have claimed the lives of so many.

Every journey starts with a single step.  That is how Omega Fleet Online is starting now, with single step.  We are a new fleet.  But we are led by our strength and our determination.  We will strive and we will survive and we will not yeild until we reach our destination.
For more information, please visit our site http://www.omegafleetonline.com
Ships Divided by Task Forces

Sabre Base, General Booth
USS. Tiberius, Rear Admiral Stephen Leslie
TF Vengeance (2409)
USS Constantine, Flag Colonel George Casey
USS Jenova, Lt Commander Drew Mc Clain
Wraith Squadron, Commander Loran Kell
TF Wrath (2386)
USS Expanse, Commander Danny Maddox
SB 808, Commodore Jasmin Marie-Bonaparte
Sabre Base
"The difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer."
"Like the General said, this has been a long time coming. I used to serve under him, 12 years ago when he commanded the USS Ranger's Creed, and their mission was the same as your is now. Since I found out that he wa back in action, I've been pushing this through the channels. That time has now come. You all are to become the first of a new breed of solider's and agents of the Federation Council. I know that not everyone here works in OSP, but you all are trusted with secret of what happens here on this station and the real reason this station is here. Officially, you all are known by all as Special Tactics and Reconnaissance, Spectre for short. Now, everyone please rise."
It was the year of fire... the year of destruction... the year we took back what was ours.  It was the year of rebirth... the year of great sadness... the year of pain... and they year of joy.  It was a new age.  It was the end of history.  It was the year everything changed.  The year is 2409.  The place:  Sabre Base
In 2409, the Federation President authorized the formation of a contingent of Elite Special Forces Soliders who answer only to the President of the Federation of Planets. Our missions and our very existence are closely guarded secrets protected by the soldiers themselves.  Even our wives cannot not know the truth about our missions and they have secrets of their own.   Officially, we are labled as Office of Special Projects (OSP), Project:  Sabre. The Sabre is the only ship completely crewed by these Special Operations Operators.
Starbase Sabre is currently a NOVA based game.  We send teams out from here, to complete their missions.  As a play by Nova simulation we require both an excellent written standard and keen interest in Star Trek and Science Fiction. Please feel free to browse this website and that of our parent Task Force and Fleet
We strongly emphasize character development and interaction. Most of our players are veterans with years of simm experience, and we are happy to welcome those new to the hobby!  Most of our stories are combat driven with some exploration.  Our characters are ever mindful that this is an area of great strife and our presence is all that stands between peace and total chaos.
General Kal Booth
Omega Fleet, CnC
Sabre Base, CO
Wraith Squadron
Wraith Squadron is largely made up of wash-outs and misfits, which gives the unit a number of psychologically and emotionally unstable pilots, albeit experienced members of the military with useful commando skills. The Wraiths are designed to fulfill the mission responsibilities of both a traditional starfighter squadron and a commando unit—a revolutionary concept in tactics for Starfleet.
"Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected." = Sun Tzu
That is our mission, we attack where it is not expected. To hurt the enemy. Join Wraith Squadron

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