Re: [WABlist] Re: Those damned crazy fools!!!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012


Greetings all,

I was also sad to see that GW finally drove in the last stake for WAB but to me this is an opportunity.  When Don and Vince first started running WAB tournaments at the historical conventions they came up with a few other rules to help with tournament play. I feel this is all we need to do.  There should be a group which approves or rejects things, publishes errata, and can even sanction new army lists for our tournaments.  The rules are out there and will now be free, the mini's were never a GW monopoly, so if we enjoy this game why give up on it.  If we make the rules easy to find on line and keep Errata and army lists up to date this could be a more vibrant game than when GW was running the show.  There is a large enough community, enough players and plenty of tournaments right now.  We can keep this going if we want to and I think we should.

Alex White

From: The Geek <>
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2012 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: [WABlist] Re: Those damned crazy fools!!!!!


Time will tell.  Right now I'm looking at CoE and W&C.  Either way I'm sure
a decision will be made, we'll march forward with it, have as much fun, if
not more, and listen to Gil lament about WAB 1.5 and how WAB 2.0 ruined the
world as we know it (just kidding Gil)....

When a door closes, a window opens.  Maybe we'll enjoy one of those
rulesets more than WAB!  But more importantly, we'll still gather at the
cons and enjoy each other's company.

Kind regards


On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 5:22 PM, <> wrote:

> **
> I liked WAB a lot - it was relatively easy to learn rule-wise, and I
> was one that liked the special rules for each army as they gave each
> army a flavor. I do not enjoy the chess-like DBA style, to me WAB was
> more like playing with toy soldiers and imagining history. However,
> the best part of playing WAB was the wonderful community. I never
> would have played in a tournament in the past, I am NOT at all a
> 'tourney player' as they are thought of. However, the WAB tourney was
> great, it was a group of friends getting together to play history
> together while talking history, wargames and life. The WABlist to me
> was similar. To me WAB was Gil & Mike, Ralph, Adrian, Rob, John B
> (whose book got me into a period I never thought I would enjoy), Don
> Effinger and his son, Ray, Igor, Don M and all the other who regularly
> beat me on the gaming table - and all the others on the list who
> interested me in various and sundry topics. Maybe I didn't post much,
> but I listened.
> Unfortunately with the way WAB2.0 was handled, the community began to
> splinter. With this WHW closing it will splinter more. We have
> multiple options as a community, causing more of a fracturing.
> Perhaps this is the way of things, but it is a sad thing.
> So I guess the question is, will this community close up its doors?
> I know for myself, I will still play WAB in whatever incarnation others
> play and hope to be playing it at least monthly at the new group
> forming at Huzzah Hobbies in Ashburn VA. But I also want to learn
> another game because I just don't feel new people will want to pick up
> what is essentially a dead rule set.
> So the questions are, for me:
> - What WAB evolutionary game (I'd assume W&C or CoE) better gives the
> feel of WAB 1.5 and its 'flavored' armies? Which do you think will
> survive?
> - What is the WAB tourney group going to be playing the future? Or
> will the group as we know it cease to exist?
> Anyway, thats my two cents. I dont think I am going the Hail Caesar
> route, but I am not sure where to put my time and resources in, CoE or
> W&C.
> Mark Pino


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